Dirty Sons of Pitches

In light of the runaway success of "50 Shades of Grey," Ben and Nate are pitching erotic thrillers to tanatlyze the creative possibilities. The guys get down and dirty with their bad selves and go to places they have routinely gone before on their podcast. Stay tuned for a further discussion on the gorwing industry of crypto-zoological erotic fiction.

Also availably on iTunes.

Episode 105 includes:

-Does Dorf still exist? Remember Dorf? Anybody?

-Nate and Ben make Oscar predicitons for the major categories. Ben complains again about the Oscars. Repeat.

-"Kingsman" is a head-poppin' good time, though relies a bit too heavily on the meta.

-Nate and Ben debate what is worst in "50 Shades" and there are many culprits.

-This Week's Pitch -- Erotic Thriller

-Nate pitches a coed who works as a high-end call girl who ends up being ensared in a political scandal.

-Ben pitches "Exit to Eden" but with Furries/Plushies and a reverse "50 Shades" scenario where a man seeks his dom.

-This Week's Game -- Fetish-Ize It!

-It's a spinoff of "Porno-Ize It" where we take peopular movies like "Back to the Future," "Birdman," and "The Godfather" and develop fetishes relted to the films' content.

Direct download: pitch_105.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:57pm EST

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