Sun, 4 November 2018
While the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are busy with another writing project, so in the meantime enjoy a podcast from Ben and his brother George, "Saturday Night Jive," where the two of them watch and analyze movies starring SNL alums. This week it's one of the biggest SNL stars, Mike Myers, and one of the biggest bombs, "The Love Guru," a woefully misguided crass comedy that all but killed Myers' comedy career. Ten years later, is it as bad as remembered, or will the boys find it to be a hidden gem akin to their reappraisal of Adam Sandler's "Jack and Jill" Available on iTunes.
Direct download: 156___Chekhovs_Humping_Elephants__-_The_Love_Guru_2008.mp3
Category:Saturday Night Jive -- posted at: 2:29pm EST
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