Dirty Sons of Pitches

This one was a hard one for the "Dirty Sons of Pitches." Ben almost didn't make it out alive. Hopefully their commentarry track for the 1976 horror movie "The Devil's Kiss" a.k.a. "The Caresss of Satan" will spare others. It's an awful movie, sure, but it's also mostly aimless except for wandering zombies and maids who are constantly undressing. You can watch the film via Netflix streaming and listen to the boys' commentary to keep your sanity as they struggle with their own. Other topics broached include a fond look back at the bizarre multiculutral world of the Nickelodeon cartoon, "Doug," whether Pee Wee Herman was simply misunderstood and voicing his displeasure with the movie, and what to do with spoons at an orgy.

Also available on iTunes!

Direct download: devils_kiss.mp3
Category:Commentary -- posted at: 2:52pm EST

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